Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My first brownies from scratch!

Lookey Lookey! I made my first batch of brownies from scratch today! It was quite the adventure, but they sure are yummy. I wish you were all here to eat them, but since you're not, I'm going to go and have another one with a big glass of milk!

I also thought I'd add a list of things I might like if you're "hankerin" to send me a package (no pressure).....

1. Hidden Valley Ranch packets

2. Vanilla Extract

3. Kool-Aid packets

4. Taco Seasoning Packets

5. Fruity candy (like Starbursts)

6. Construction paper

7. Cinnamon Gum

8. Nail Polish (it's really pricey here and I forgot all mine...woops!)

9. Any other fun little stuff you would like to send me!

(As I read over this list, it sounds a little ridiculous, but I'm going to leave it up anyways!)

1 comment:

Janet said...

Wow, Betty Crocker, I'm impressed! From scratch, you say? Well, if you ever come back to the USA I'm gonna expect big things in the kitchen. The list of needed items is interesting...guess it's for me, huh? I'll see what I can do!
