Friday, November 27, 2009


Last year for Thanksgiving I visited Krakow, Poland with some friends. I loved the city, the architecture, and especially their Christmas market. Auschwitz, the infamous concentration camp used by the Nazis during WWII, is only an hour or so from Krakow, and that's where we spent our Thanksgiving day. We feasted on potato pancakes for lunch, but mostly I just remember a monumental feeling of sadness and loss. I can't say that I wasn't thankful for God's blessings in my life after that experience, but I can say that I was ready for a turkey and all the fixin's this time around!

My roommate Kim and I were invited to join several other families for a Thanksgiving celebration and we had a blast. We played games, shared memories of previous holidays, and ate a whole lot of good food.

My friend Deb bought the turkey - 16 kilos - at a little store in her neighborhood, and it was so big it barely fit in the oven. (I think it actually did break some glass on the way in!) We had green bean casserole, cheesy mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberries, rolls, cider, salads, and more pies than you can shake a turkey leg at!

The picture below is of me displaying our dish full of leftovers. I'm looking forward to partaking of that real soon :) Please note the size of the turkey leg.

Here's the turkey itself and Kim acting very impressed at its size. You'll notice there were 15 of us and we only at about 1/3 of that bird! Turkey sandwiches here we come!

1 comment:

Janet said...

What a bird!Looks like turkey salad may be on the menu for this week!
