Today is Friday, and we faithfully took our trash can to the curb this morning. This afternoon, however, we forgot to bring it inside. I thought it was going to be a very uneventful Friday night until Kati, our landlady called. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi Kati, how are you?
Kati: I am fine, but Emily, there are animals in your rubbish box.
Me: What animals? What is a rubbish box?
Kati: Your rubbish box that you put your rubbish in.
Me: You mean our trash can?
Kati: Yes, there are animals in your rubbish box.
Me: What animals?
Kati: I do not know their names.
Me: Ok. What should we do?
Kati: Fill your rubbish box with water. And Domestos. (aka. Draino)
Me: Uhhhh.....
Kati: Then wash it out. Make sure you do it right away. It is very hot. You do not want the animals in your rubbish box.
Me: Ok, Kati, we'll take care of it. Have a great night.
So a few minutes later, Hannah, Kim and I went to check out the trash can. I wasn't brave enough to do it alone. We weren't sure if there was a racoon in the trash can or maybe a snake or who knows what.
It turns out we had maggots.
So we got out the water hose and the draino and went to work. After letting our trash can sit for a while, we decided we should dump it out. It was quite the adventure. But don't worry, we took some photos!
That is so gross. The first question is, "Did the Drano kill the maggots? Second one is "What was in the trash can that would make maggots hatch anyway?" Was the trash can not touched over the summer or something? YUCK!
Did that just make you want to live with Jerry and Phyllis again? Jerry would have taken care of that problem for us I am sure...however, he would have wanted to talk about it for a LONG while! Glad you got it taken care of!
Now that you mention it, I think Phyllis would've made us a meatloaf or some baked beans just because :)
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