Sunday, July 26, 2009

Design on a Forint

My friend Robyn and I decided to do a little redecorating at our respective houses this Summer. We painted her craft room and my bedroom and decided that when our time serving as missionaries overseas is over, maybe we can start a painting business :)

I've been telling my mom about my new green wall, but I think words don't do it justice. So....without further is my new room!

Does anyone notice the clean lines?

This is my new chair from Ikea.

I've been wanting a Quiet Time place for a long time. Thanks, Lord!
This is the cleanest my desk will be until at least Christmas when I stop to clean it up again. I just finished painting some shelves for above and am going to start looking for an eager and willing shelf installer in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...

LOVE the green walls and am super-impressed with the clean lines! You are welcome to come paint some of my house when you are home next summer!!
