Hey everyone! I'm back! I had a wonderful time on our staff retreat and got to know some of the other teachers much better. I am truly blessed to be a part of this group of teachers and administrators...wow! Some of the highlights? A game of volleyball where I stood on the court and watched the ball fly around me, encouraging praise and worship music, good insights into practical teaching tips, a fierce game of nerts, more than one mocha, and a little see-sawing!

We stayed at a really neat Bible College and Retreat Center in Vaijta (Calvary Chapel Bible College), about an hour and a half from Budapest. It's located on the grounds of an old "castle" and the architecture was beautiful! Thankfully, I was far away from the teacher workroom and all the school responsibilities I didn't want to have to be working on!
Tonight Lisa and I made pizza...almost from scratch...we bought the pizza sauce, a bad choice, but everything else was really yummy (and I thought the presentation wasn't bad either)!

You are a mess...sort of like the pizza, huh. Sounds like the retreat was a great experience-better than the pizza looks. I'm amazed at the Susie Homemaker you're becoming. Guess that's what happens when you have to learn to cook from scratch.
Ok, so the pizza was really good...and I don't think it looks so bad, either! Maybe it was more enticing in person! Hmm...if you come visit, you can try some.
Ok...how about the recipe for that chicken sandwich? I promise not to tell :)
Emily Looks like you're making yourself right at home there. All the great cooking and upholstery and other domestic stuff.
Yeah, I'm impressed too. And that chicken sandwich sounds good...maybe specopaint could give me the recipe for it...eat mor chikn, huh?
that pizza was so yummy, except the sauce! We should try again soon, with better sauce...and watch more Numbers;)
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